Knox v.s. Tox. First of all, I think this preview was a bad idea. Although, I could see how you would want input if you are close to done with the movie, why make a preview? Also, I beleive this whole Knox V.S. Tox thing is really unoriginal. You're basically getting good scores off Knox fans and clay fans. I am not a Knox or Tox fan myself. I beleive putting your voice within a movie clip shouldn't have scores up to 3.87. But alas, some constructive reviewing.
For a preview it was not that good. I think you should definetly get rid of the Tenacious D song even know I enjoy it and I imagine other people do, it just makes it way to big of a file. Optimize the audio or get rid of it.
Don't make a movie based on two people. I would try to expand from such fan worship. But I can understand, where you are coming from.
Third, To tell you the truth I liked a lot of the flash lettering visuals. I didn't really find a problem with them. I would put a lot more detail within a lot of things. Such as the clay fight in the midst of it all, maybe include a border of some sort to surround the clay fight. I hope your movie comes out well. Good luck.